Opening day
Submission deadline
Please note that abstract submitters shall be re-directed to the Kenya Psychiatrist Association Abstract Submission page and an email correspondence on account profile creation will be sent through noreply@kenyapsychiatrist.org. However, all other correspondence concerning the status of your abstract/any additional information needed and final feedback on the abstract submitted shall be done via : conference@mental.health.go.ke
Kenya’s 2nd National Mental Health Conference is offering the possibility to take part in the presentation sessions. Participants who are willing to attend the conference with their contributions are kindly invited to submit their abstracts for two types of presentations:
Each presentation must align with one of the main themes:
- Foundations of mental health: A focus on the family, children, and youth mental health
- Promoting Workplace Mental Well-being: Creating Supportive Environments Across All Sectors
- From Awareness to Action: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan
- Advancing Mental Health through Research, Innovation and Technology
- Strengthening Mental Health Systems through Capacity Building for mental Healthcare Workforce
- Community Approaches: Advocacy, education and addressing cultural issues
In case of challenges you can send your abstracts should be sent to conference@mental.health.go.ke
All abstracts should be submitted via the conference website https://mentalhealth.conference.co.ke/abstracts_page#abstracts
For more information, visit the conference website https://mentalhealth.conference.co.ke